Getting Organized.....

So, my summer has been not what I expected it to be! I have had some health issues, so I have been taking it easy and using this summer to get the rest that I need. However, I am feeling a lot better, and after a long weekend at the lake I am feeling refreshed and ready to get organized.

I have a few goals that I want to do over the summer. But, one of the goals that I am working on right now is to develop a home management binder. This binder will have five different sections:
- Weekly Meal Plan.
- Favourite Recipes
- Eating Out Pamphlets
- Home Cleaning Schedule
- Budget

The first section that I am working on right now is the weekly meal plan. I tried this out earlier in the year, but fell off the wagon when I got sick. So, now I have carefully developed a template that works for me. However, I found a template here that really works for me! I have customized all the different options that you can have for food! It starts to look more optimistic of the different options we have when we plan ahead! My husband is quite a picky eater, so it can be challenging to accomodate his likes and my likes. But, now I have come up with a plan it should be easier.

The funny thing about this post is that I forgot about it, and just remembered it now. Well, thank goodness blogger has a save feature or this post would have been long lost! But, to say the very least, the meal plan for the week was a huge help. However, things didn't go as planned. I got too busy with fun stuff, that I was unable to do a huge grocery shopping trip. But, it was super handy not to have to decide the day of or the dinner hour what we are having to eat. I hope to continue this, and then add what I have learned to flyer shopping and coupon shopping next. I am sure this will be much easier once I develop my system.

I will be sure to keep you posted.
